Sega Reportedly Won't Release Another Mini Console, Here's Why Japanese game company Sega has reportedly decided not to release any more Mini consoles, dashing hopes for a Saturn or Dreamcast revival. 12/29/2024 - 5:09 pm | View Link
Sega Plans to Embrace Modern Gamers, Says CEO Sega America and Europe CEO Shuji Utsumi said in an interview that the company would see potential in planning new products. 12/29/2024 - 12:54 am | View Link
Sega confirms no more mini consoles: Exploring the future of retro gaming Sega has confirmed that it will not release any more mini consoles, such as the Sega Genesis Mini. According to Shuji Utsumi, CEO of Sega America and Europe, this decision reflects the company’s ... 12/24/2024 - 10:00 pm | View Link
Sega Rules Out Saturn or Dreamcast Mini Console Sega has ruled out making any more Mini consoles, dashing hopes for a Saturn or Dreamcast revival. 12/23/2024 - 11:45 pm | View Link
Sega Dreamcast Fans Dealt Disappointing News From Sega Sega Dreamcast fans can finally put to rest their ongoing requests to see a new version of the console and its games come about. 12/23/2024 - 1:43 pm | View Link
Counter-strike for PS2? I bought a PS2 (a great addition to my Sega Genesis) because my cheap ass couldn't afford a PS3. But as I just figured out, there is no version of Counter-strike or Day of Defeat for PS2, although I sort of guessed there wouldn't any platform versions of DoD. Anyway, is there any way I can run... 12/26/2024 - 1:43 pm | View Website
Blowing On Cartridges I regularly blew on my cartridges as a kid, back when I had a NES. However I found the effect to be less reliable with my Sega Genesis/Megadrive. But then again, those games were rarely in a bad shape and usually fired up right off the bat. Never owned a SNES, but I remember friends of mine had to blow on them lots. 12/24/2024 - 9:59 pm | View Website
Streets of Rage 4 Thread. It's definitely fun to play and remember how things used to be back in the Genesis/Mega Drive days. The side scrolling beat 'em up is not a genre that gets made enough imo, and that's a shame. That being said, Streets of Rage 4 feels like you are playing an old school Streets of Rage game again and it's remakably faithful. 12/22/2024 - 8:04 am | View Website
Playable dullahans. - There's Decap attack for the Sega Genesis but I doubt that's what you're looking for really. - Alisa from the newer Tekken games has detachable limbs and takes off her head for a move or two. - Neverdead has some sequences where you roll around as just a head. 12/22/2024 - 5:19 am | View Website
Game Articles and Videos Thread | The Escapist Forums As a Black youth back in the early 2000s, I became an avid gamer after being introduced to Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Genesis. From there, I fell in love with nearly every game under the sun, discovering as many as I could. 12/18/2024 - 4:51 pm | View Website