As the world (well some of it) begins to get obsessed with the strange unidentified drone sightings over cities, airbases, and nuclear installations, I am keeping my eyes firmly down. I have enough on my plate dealing with waiting for Civ VII to come out, without the concern about getting probed for my innate knowledge of Call of Duty and Satisfactory. Whatever the strange drone lights are, and we will likely never know, that is probably preferable to them turning out to be the bad guys in Deklazon and Pqube’s new ET-’em-up They Are Here. Deklazon is being billed as a “mysterious solo creator’ as if this game wasn’t creepy enough. “Working with DEKLAZON to bring They Are Here to life feels like uncovering one of the biggest conspiracies in gaming,” said Tyrone Walcott, Product Group Manager at PQube.