The defense of Donald Trump by his most loyal surrogates are reaching new depths of incredulity. On CNN's New Day, Anthony Scaramucci came up with a new and moronic argument that all politicians' personal lives should be completely off-limits during an election and with their time in office. Since Donald Trump is in office he's suddenly 's arguing that morals, actions and one's personal character are not a valid ingredient in determining the worth of a politician in Scaramucci 's mind. And to justify this inane argument he equated President Barack Obama's change of position on same-sex marriage as equivalent to Donald Trump paying thousands of dollars of hush money to a porn star right before the election. You can't make this up. Anthony tried to appear bipartisan by defending Bill Clinton but it was Donald Trump who dragged 20-year-old allegations back into the public light as a way to deflect from the infamous Access Hollywood audiotape with Billy Bush. Anthony said, "In 2008, Barack Obama said he was for non-same-sex marriage as some kind of union - " Cuomo, "It's nothing like this." "It is...We have a cultural moment now where we accept people and marriage equality.