FARMINGTON – A statewide academic library organization has selected the San Juan College library director as librarian of the year for his work in helping students gain Internet access with the use of mobile hot spots. Director of Library Services Christopher Schipper was selected as the New Mexico Academic Librarian of the Year by the New Mexico Consortium of Academic Libraries (NMCAL) earlier this summer. Schipper was nominated for his leadership roles in the organization and for his successful implementation of a mobile hot spot program, according to an NMCAL press release. The library launched the hot spot program last year through which the library staff lends 10 hot spot devices and data plans for colleges students to use for a week at a time. Schippper said it was great to receive the award, and he thanked the library staff for its critical role in launching the program. “We could have never gotten it off the ground without the staff that I've got here,” Schipper said. Internet access for college students has become increasingly important as the library shifts toward using more digital resources and as more coursework is submitted electronically to instructors. Schipper said some students face significant hurdles to complete their course work when they don’t have Internet access at home. “We have to look at more than just the resources themselves.Read more on