Stanford and Google researchers have made an entire AI village. The 25 bots that live there gossip, work, and plan Valentine's Day parties.Joon Sung Park, Joseph C. O'Brien, Carrie J. Cai, Meredith Ringel Morris, Percy Liang, Michael S. Bernstein Stanford and Google researchers created a virtual village where 25 AI bots live and form relationships. The goal of this experiment is to create AI capable of believable human-like behavior. Memory and reflection enable these bots to believably plan parties, discuss elections, and select birthday gifts, per the researchers. A group of Stanford and Google researchers has created a virtual village where 25 AI agents lead lives that are eerily reminiscent of our own.These bots "wake up," chat about the latest town gossip, and even plan events like Valentine's Day parties.In a paper published on Sunday, the researchers detailed how these AI agents — given names like "Mei" and "Sam" —autonomously plan their days, put together Valentine's Day parties, and form opinions of each other as they discuss and run in upcoming elections.The study aims to create AI that can produce believable and human-like behavior.