On Fox Business (yeah), Rep. Dan Meuser whined about the amount of disaster relief funds included in the funding bill. This is crazy: we've seen the devastation natural disasters have brought throughout the country. But clueless MAGA Republicans are willfully ignorant as to how government works, unless they are voting themselves a pay raise. First, this jackass says the funds are necessary, then in the same breath, asks if it is necessary. MEUSER: You know, even this $100 billion for, crying out loud, for disaster relief, okay, necessary. But, I mean, is it all necessary? You know, when I see numbers like $100 billion, why not 98.2? I mean, it should be based upon need, not based upon a number. And you know what? Doge swept in. Doge did a job. Joe alerted the American people. Hey, look what's going on here. Money must be allocated beforehand.