Stories Related to Report: Giffords Makes First Public Appearance

Report: Giffords makes first public appearance

ABC NewsReport: Giffords makes first public appearanceCBS NewsRep. Gabrielle Giffords, still recovering from a devastating Jan. 8 gunshot wound, made her first public appearance Monday in support of her husband, the astronaut Mark Kelly, ABC News reports. Giffords stood up from her wheelchair in front of a crowd ...Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Appears, Stands Before Houston CrowdABC NewsGabrielle Giffords Makes First Public Appearance At Space Center HoustonHuffington PostGiffords gets standing ovation at event for husbandKOLD-TVCultureMap Houston -Houston Chronicle (blog)all 20 news articles »

  • Portman among 47 GOP senators to sign letter to Iran
    WASHINGTON — In a move Democrats denounced as trying to sabotage the Obama administration’s foreign policy, Sen. Rob Portman and 46 other Senate Republicans yesterday warned Iran’s leadership that any agreement to limit Tehran’s apparent efforts to build a nuclear bomb would need Senate approval to stay in effect beyond 2016. More
  • Coalition on immigration bill clears first tests
    The bipartisan coalition behind a contentious overhaul of immigration laws stuck together on a critical early series of test votes Thursday, turning back challenges from conservative critics as the Senate Judiciary Committee refined legislation to secure the nation's borders and offer eventual citizenship to millions living illegally in the United States. More
  • Republicans to back Obama's student loan plan
    House Republicans are willing to give President Barack Obama a rare win, the chairman of the Education and Workforce Committee said Thursday in outlining a deal that would let college students avoid a costly hike on their student loans. More
  • GOP boycotts health care advisory board
    House and Senate Republican leaders told President Barack Obama Thursday that they will refuse to nominate candidates to serve on an advisory board that is to play a role in holding down Medicare costs under the new health care act. More
  • Gitmo closure elusive, Obama looks at other steps
    President Barack Obama's vow to try again to close the Guantanamo Bay prison remains a tough sell in Congress.... More
  • Kentucky gets an ‘F’ in gun safety legislation, national report says
    The annual report from the Giffords Law Center showed that Kentucky ranked 47th out of 50 states, with Wyoming taking the bottom spot.
    12/18/2024 - 1:18 pm | View Link
  • Giffords Law Center gives Kentucky an ‘F’ for failing to pass strong gun legislation
    The 50-state analysis reflects that states with stronger gun laws have lower gun death rates and save more lives.
    12/17/2024 - 10:51 am | View Link
  • More


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