Will you soon have to start paying to use The Post’s Web site? No, not in the short term, and maybe never, if I read the tea leaves correctly. Paying for online or digital content (called a “paywall” in media jargon) is much in the news right now because this month has seen several headlines on the subject: The New York Times’ digital fee system had its first birthday, and the paper reduced from 20 to 10 the number of free stories you can view per month before you have to pay; the Los Angeles Times launched its digital “membership program” on March 5; and the Gannett Co.
Senh: Good. I hope not. I'm not sure if it's working for the New York Times. Until it's proven that it works, I think papers should stay put. The Los Angeles Times recently enacted a paywall, similarly to the New York Times. All I know is it hasn't done Variety any good. Since they enacted their paywall, their competitors - mainly Hollywood Reporter - have usurped them in internet traffic.