Charting the turbo-charged box office of 'Furious' franchise In their14-year history, the "Fast & Furious" films have become a case study in the power of international box office. In recent years, the unlikely franchise has made global appeal a priority and as a result, grosses have continued to grow. More
Originally, Danny DeVito and William Sanford Davis' characters were supposed to know each other from high school, with each having gone after the same girl.
Gersten initially conceived of what would become her first film as a play, but as she tells IndieWire, the decade-long quest to make it turned out to be a blessing. With Pamela Anderson to boot.
Set during the Utah War of 1857, Peter Berg's limited series lays out a world where love conquers little, indifference is the only path to survival, and wanting anything will only bring death that much faster.