Similar Stories to Opinion: Gop Good For Women? Please on Bing News

Ilyse Hogue says the GOP convention tried hard to woo women; but the party platform and Romney-Ryan plans show little sympathy for or understanding of what women face

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  • Republicans to back Obama's student loan plan
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  • GOP boycotts health care advisory board
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  • Good says goodbye: ‘This Congress should have done even less’
    "The system is designed to protect the status quo," says the former Freedom Caucus chair, who lost a primary race to another Republican.
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  • Some Republicans want even more friction between you and the IRS
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  • Mississippi’s Clarke Reed blocked Reagan but did a lifetime of good for the GOP
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    12/14/2024 - 6:29 am | View Link
  • Tribune editorial: Gov. Cox’s latest budget has the good of the public first in mind
    The stated focus of Cox’s FY ‘26 budget is that government has a role to play in helping people live decent lives in Utah,” writes The Salt Lake Tribune editorial board. “That’s something that the ...
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  • "The less we do, the better": Outgoing GOP Rep. Good celebrates do-nothing session of Congress
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