Similar Stories to Oklahoma Boy Killed In Wyoming Crash on Bing News

An 8-year-old Seiling boy was killed and seven others were injured in a one-vehicle rollover Wednesday in Wyoming. Marqus Little Bear Garcia died at a Wyoming hospital after he was thrown from a van that rolled twice on Interstate 25 near Douglass, Wyo., the Wyoming Highway Patrol reported. Investigators said the driver, Ann Marie Garcia, was steering with her knees, while trying to roll up a faulty window when her van left the roadway and slid down an embankment, according to the Casper Star-Tribune. Marqus and another child were thrown from the van.

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    The Wyoming Highway Patrol says speed may be to blame for a single-vehicle rollover crash that left a Wyoming teen dead and another person injured. The crash happened around 9:27 a.m. on Friday, Dec.
    12/9/2024 - 4:15 am | View Link
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