Officer killed in fall while trying to rescue hiker from Mt. Charleston northwest of ...The RepublicLAS VEGAS — A Las Vegas police officer who was trying to rescue a stranded hiker on a mountain northwest of the city died after falling from a cliff Monday night. Las Vegas police assistant sheriff Joseph Lombardo said the area — which was just above ...Las Vegas Police Officer Dies During Rescue AttemptOfficer.comall 11 news articles »

  • Las Vegas police urge locals to be safe after 9 people were rescued on Mt. Charleston trail4 rescues, 9 victims
    In the past three weeks, nine people were rescued from a popular trail on Mt. Charleston, about 40 miles northwest of Las Vegas. Search and rescue teams with the Las Vegas ...
    12/17/2024 - 3:29 am | View Link
  • Another hiker rescued after slipping off Mt. Charleston trail
    LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - Las Vegas search and rescue crews conducted another hiker rescue on Mt. Charleston this past weekend. In a post shared by Las Vegas Metro police, teams noted that most of ...
    12/16/2024 - 8:27 am | View Link
  • Hikers rescued after falling in icy conditions on Mt. Charleston trail
    Search and Rescue personnel rescued a group of hikers after two of them fell in icy conditions on a Mt. Charleston trail Thursday ... when one of them slipped on ice and slid into another hiker, ...
    12/13/2024 - 2:07 am | View Link
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