Boston GlobeObama urges increase in clean energy tax creditsThe Associated PressLAS VEGAS — President Barack Obama is calling on Congress to expand a tax credit for clean energy manufacturing that he says would be a jobs generator for the US In prepared remarks ahead of a speech scheduled later Thursday in Las Vegas, ...Obama wants billions more in energy tax creditsWashington PostObama meeting with Dominican leader may mark end to Washington's disdainDominican TodayObama to host Dominican Republic president at the White HouseCanadaEast.comMoose Jaw Times-Herald -Business Green -Reuters Africaall 194 news articles »

  • Electric co-ops want Republicans to preserve clean energy credits
    The head of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association called for a "nuanced approach" to repealing the Inflation Reduction Act.
    12/8/2024 - 9:12 pm | View Link
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