Xi Jinping | featured news

Under Xi, China seeks to cool row with Japan over islands

HONG KONG (Reuters) - In a break from months of saber rattling, China under new President Xi Jinping appears to be moderating its approach to a potentially explosive territorial dispute with Japan and taking measures to prevent accidental conflict.


China Names Xi Jinping President

Xi Jinping - NY Times

China’s new leader Xi Jinping capped his rise Thursday by adding the largely ceremonial title of president, though he will need cautious maneuvering to consolidate his power.


China's Xi to visit Africa as U.S. frets over Beijing influence

Incoming Chinese president Xi Jinping's first trip as head of state will take him to Africa, the government said on Saturday, as China seeks to cement a growing trade and energy relationship that has caused alarm bells to ring in Washington.


Is China's mystery blogger Xi Jinping himself?

A mystery blogger who appears to have close access to the daily activities of China's new leader may be the leader himself, say China watchers. The blog "Study Xi Fans Group" has posted pictures of Communist Party Secretary General Xi Jinping's trip to northwest China along with detailed updates about his busy schedule.


How serious is China on corruption?

Even among China's jaded internet users, this was big news: Li Jianguo, a Communist official operating at the very top of the party, was under investigation for corruption.


China's Xi gives backing to embattled Hong Kong leader

Chinese Communist Party chief Xi Jinping gave his backing on Thursday to Hong Kong's embattled leader, Leung Chun-ying, who is under heavy criticism in the territory over unauthorized building works at his home.


‘Little Hu’ eyed for the next wave of Chinese leaders

...Just as Vice President Xi Jinping, 59, was named at the just-ended Communist Party Congress to replace President Hu Jintao, someone in the next generation of officials will likely replace Xi 10 years from now. And leading the pack, according to some party insiders and experts, is a man widely known as “Little Hu.”


Xi Jinping Offers Few Hints of a Shift in Direction in China

Xi Jinping

China’s new leader, Xi Jinping, impressed many people with a plain-spoken promise to address problems in the country’s ruling party on Thursday, but his new leadership team offered few clues as to a clear shift in direction.


China's Xi Jinping healthy, says Panetta in Beijing

Leon Panetta

The man expected to become China's next leader, Vice-President Xi Jinping, appears in "good shape", US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has said after talks in Beijing. The talks marked Mr Xi's first official meeting since he went missing two weeks ago without further explanation.


China's Presumed Next Leader Reappears in Public

China's presumed next leader has made a public appearance for the first time in two weeks. The official Xinhua News Agency says Vice President Xi Jinping arrived at China Agricultural University in Beijing on Saturday for activities marking National Science Popularization Day.


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