Women | featured news

Study: Women who keep food diary more likely to lose weight

Women who keep a food journal, don't skip meals and don't eat out lunch at restaurants very often lose more weight, a new study shows.


Health roundup: Wine may boost bone health

Wine for good for your bones too!

Women who enjoy a nightly glass of wine may do their bones a favor by keeping up the habit after menopause, a small study suggests. Researchers took blood samples from 40 post-menopausal women having or skipping their usual one or two nightly drinks (mostly wine) and found signs of more rapid bone breakdown when the women abstained.

Senh: Wine is good for your bones, too! Damn. Maybe it's time for me to switch from beer to wine.


Gates defends contraception stance

Responding to simmering controversy among Catholic bloggers about her new birth control program, Melinda Gates -- a practicing Catholic -- said she will not shrink from her role as an advocate for poor women.


Reporter stripped, sexually attacked

British journalist Natasha Smith tells CNN's Dan Rivers about how she was sexually assaulted in Cairo.


Obama ad targets women voters

President Obama's latest television ad is designed to appeal to an important demographic: Women. Entitled "first law," the commercial emphasizes the first bill Obama signed as president, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.


The Best Countries to Be a Woman -- and the Worst

The Best Countries to be a Woman

India, a country best-known for its rising economic might, is the worst place to be a woman among the world’s biggest economies, and Canada the best, according to a survey of experts published Wednesday... “Canada leads the pack with its promotion of women’s access and opportunities across various sectors of society, including education, economic participation and health care,” Sarah Degnan Kambou, president of the International Center for Research on Women in Washington, which took part in the survey, told TrustLaw.


China sends first woman into space

First Woman in Space

In its most ambitious space mission yet, China launched its first female astronaut and two male colleagues to dock with an orbiting module.


Let women drive, Saudi king urged

A leading women's rights activist in Saudi Arabia writes an open letter to King Abdullah, urging him to lift a ban on women drivers.


Political groups target key voting demographic on Pinterest

A boom in users on the social media site — and the fact that more than two-thirds are women — is attracting political messages to the site best known for recipes, crafts and I-want-that images. In political persuasion, as in marketing, "it's always the next big hot thing," says Zac Moffatt, digital director for Republican Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. "And it's kind of hot right now."


Author fears for future of the American breast

The biology of women's bodies is changing — and not for the better, journalist Florence Williams warns in her new book.


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