Women | featured news

Lagarde chosen to lead IMF; first woman in top job

Lagarde chosen to lead IMF; first woman in top job

French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde has been chosen to lead the International Monetary Fund. She will become the first female managing director of the global lending organization....


Well: Vaccines Protect the Youngest Babies

Two new studies offer good news for newborns and children about two different vaccinations -- flu vaccine for pregnant women, and rotavirus vaccine for infants.


Why Michele Bachmann is no Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is in Iowa today. Michele Bachmann announced her candidacy there on Monday. For reporters, that’s a coincidence(?) impossible to resist; scads of stories are being produced comparing the two women.
The comparisons between Palin and Bachmann are, at one level, apt. Both are women (duh) who align most closely with social conservatives. Both are outspoken defenders of their chosen causes whose rhetoric occasionally gets them into hot water.


FDA to hear appeal on breast cancer drug Avastin

The best-selling cancer drug in the world comes under federal scrutiny as drugmaker Roche makes a last-ditch effort to keep Avastin approved ...


Mammograms can cut deaths by a third

The longest-running breast cancer screening study ever conducted has shown that regular mammograms prevent deaths from breast cancer, and the number of lives saved increases over time, an international research team said on Tuesday.


Mom Accused of Spraying Cops With Breast Milk

A drunken Ohio woman was arrested Saturday after she allegedly sprayed sheriff’s deputies with breast milk, the Delaware County Sheriff's Office said.


Watchdog: Egypt Army Acknowledges 'Virginity Tests'

Amnesty International said Monday that Egypt's military rulers have acknowledged carrying out so-called "virginity tests" on female protesters -- the first time the army has admitted to the much-criticized practice.


Scientists Warn Chemicals May Be Altering Breast Development

Although many experts have long debated the role of the environment in breast cancer, the possibility that chemicals are changing how and when breasts develop is a relatively new concern for scientists.


FDA says decision to put silicone breast implants back on market was the right one

FDA says decision to put silicone breast implants back on market was the right one

The FDA was criticized in 2006 for approving the controversial implants after they'd been off the market for 14 years. But the organization says research in the last five years has shown the implants have 'reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness.'

Senh: Isn't there a conflict of interest here? The study was conducted by the manufacturers of the implants.


Supreme Court blocks massive sex-discrimination suit against Wal-Mart

Supreme Court blocks massive sex-discrimination suit against Wal-Mart

The Supreme Court on Monday blocked the massive sex-discrimination case female employees brought against Wal-Mart in a decision that might make it harder to bring future discrimination lawsuits against large corporations. The court agreed unanimously that the Wal-Mart suit could not go forward as a class action that could affect as many as 1.5 million female workers, past and present. The decision was a huge win for Wal-Mart, which could have faced billions of dollars in damages and back pay.


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