Women | featured news

Italy moves toward face veil ban

Italy moves toward face veil ban

An Italian parliamentary committee approves a draft law which, if parliament passes, would ban women from wearing veils which cover their faces in public.


Birth control must be offered free

Birth control must be offered free

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced new guidelines in Washington Monday requiring health insurance plans beginning on or after August 1, 2012 to cover several women's preventive services, including birth control and voluntary sterilization.


Fish oil in pregnancy may ward off babies' colds

Women who take fish oil supplements during pregnancy may boost their babies’ immune systems and help protect against colds during the first months of life, a new study shows.


Study: Why Maternity Leave Is Important

Are working moms somehow lacking as parents compared to stay-at-home mothers? According to a new demographic analysis from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the answer is a reassuring no.


Women's World Cup final breaks Twitter record

The Women's World Cup final between Japan and the United States set the record for tweets per second, eclipsing the wedding of Prince William and Kate and the death of Osama bin Laden.


Japan wins 1st World Cup title in penalty shootout

Japan wins 1st World Cup title in penalty shootout

Japan has won the Women's World Cup, stunning the United States 4-1 in a penalty shootout Sunday night after finishing in a 2-2 tie.


Women play computer games just as much as men - and they prefer gaming to sex, survey reveals

While 50 per cent of men admit to frequent online gaming, a shocking 49 per cent of women confess they too are addicted - and one in five admits to gaming in bed.


Sexism still exists, especially in these 10 jobs

Sexism still exists, especially in these 10 jobs

Forbes analyzed the median weekly pay of full-time workers by sex and occupation in 2010, to pinpoint the jobs with the largest gaps in men and women’s earnings.


Unsolicited Advice for Bristol Palin: Call It Rape

Unsolicited Advice for Bristol Palin: Call It Rape

I'm worried about you, girl. You say you're not accusing Levi of raping you, but the way you tell the story, it sure sounds like it to me.


Exit polls indicate Thailand to get first female prime minister

Exit polls indicate Thailand to get first female prime minister

Many hope today's election will bring an end to years of unrest between two political factions whose differences led to deadly protests last year.


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