U.s. Marshals | featured news

U.S. marshal arrested for blowing agent's cover

A deputy U.S. marshal was arrested Tuesday for allegedly disclosing the identity of an undercover agent to his father, who is accused of being part of a drug trafficking organization, federal prosecutors said.


Illinois Ponzi scheme fugitives caught in Arizona

Acting on a tip, U.S. marshals in Arizona put an end to an Illinois couple's life on the lam, a dozen years after they fled punishment for running a Ponzi scheme that targeted friends, the elderly, and even family members, authorities said.


Massive search on for missing Tucson girl

Isabel Mercedes Celis

A massive search for a 6-year-old Tucson, Ariz., girl who vanished Friday night resumed Sunday morning. Scores of police, FBI agents and deputy U.S. marshals combed the city’s east side for first-grader Isabel Mercedes Celis. Officials tried to determine if the girl was kidnapped or just wandered off. Isabel’s parents last saw her in bed at 11 p.m. Friday, and they discovered her missing when they woke up around 8 a.m. Saturday, Tucson police spokeswoman Sgt. Maria Hawke said.


FDA seizes contaminated ultrasound gel

U.S. marshals seized ultrasound gel produced by a New Jersey company after the government found two dangerous strains of bacteria in the product. The Food and Drug Administration, which announced the seizure Wednesday, did not comment on how widely the gel was distributed. But it warned health-care professionals to immediately stop using the product — “Other-Sonic Generic Ultrasound Transmission” by Pharmaceutical Innovations in Newark.


John Edwards smiles for his mug shot

John Edwards smiles for his mug shot

Wow, John Edwards — does he still have it, or what? The former senator and VP nominee, indicted on felony charges of violating federal campaign finance law and facing possible jail time, showed up for his booking bright-eyed and well-coiffed, flashing his better-days smile, in photos released by the U.S. Marshals Wednesday. We haven’t seen a mug shot this suave since Paris Hilton’s, or maybe Tom DeLay’s. . .


Day care owner makes most-wanted list

Day care owner makes most-wanted list

A Houston day care owner is among the U.S. Marshals "most wanted," more than a week after authorities say she carelessly started a fire that killed four children and then fled.


Fugitive arrested after 31 years

A man who fled his trial on drug and racketeering charges in 1979 and eluded police in several different countries while on the run was arrested Thursday at a Florida senior living community, U.S. Marshals said.


US Marshal says fugitives may be in Arkansas

US Marshal says fugitives may be in Arkansas

The US Marshal for Arizona says an escaped inmate and his fiance may be in Arkansas. David Gonzales says a couple who robbed a store Wednesday morning in Gentry, Ark., fits the description of John McCluskey and his fiancee, Casslyn Welch.


Marshals seize sanitizer made by Utah company

Officers with the U.S. Marshals Service have seized all skin sanitizers and skin protectants, including ingredients and components, ...


Marshals seize Madoff’s $7 million penthouse

Marshals seize Madoff’s $7 million penthouse

The U.S. Marshals Service on Thursday took possession of disgraced financier Bernard Madoff's $7 million Manhattan penthouse, an action that forced his wife to move elsewhere.


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