Special Dates | featured news

Doomsday Fizzles, but Many Hail a New Era

The date — 12-21-12 — inspired an Internet-fueled misreading of a Mayan calendar that led many to believe the end of the world would arrive.


12/12/12: Mass weddings, superstition

From India to Las Vegas, superstitious lovebirds and numbers geeks are reveling in a once-in-a-lifetime Wednesday event: the date 12/12/12.


Mayan prophecy sparks dread, celebration worldwide

The clock is ticking down to Dec. 21, the supposed end of the Mayan calendar, and from China to California to Mexico, thousands are getting ready for what they think is going to be a fateful day....


What are you doing on 10-11-12?


So what are you doing on Thursday? Not you, Joe Biden and Paul Ryan - we already know you're a little busy with that debate thing. But others may be marking, in some way, the fact that Thursday is a special day, numerically speaking: It's 10-11-12.


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