Social Networking | featured news

Facebook’s 2010 Revenue Estimated at $710 Million

Facebook’s 2010 Revenue Estimated at $710 Million

Facebook recently passed 350 million users worldwide, but the lingering question about the social network (and social media in general) is if it’s making any money.


Friendster Gets A Major Makeover, Calls Other Social Networks Plain And Boring

Log on to Friendster today and you’ll see a background image that says ‘Watch this face! … on December 4′. Turns out the pioneering social network is in for a major revamp tomorrow, including a new logo, tagline (”Connecting Smiles”) and an entirely fresh look.


Yahoo Outsources All That Social Nonsense To Facebook

Yahoo continues their strategic defeat from the front lines of innovation. Earlier today they announced that they'd be "deeply integrating" with Facebook Connect, allowing Yahoo users "to see your Facebook friends’ activities on Yahoo! and share Yahoo!


Digg's New Read/Write API Launches Today: Will Make Content Sharing Easier

Later today, Digg will open up its rumored read/write API. Up until now, developers could only read data from Digg. With the new API, web and desktop apps will also be able to contribute data to Digg. This will allow developers to write desktop and web applications that enable users to interact with Digg without having to go to the site, for example.


Thousands of Sex Offenders Booted from Facebook, MySpace

Thousands of Sex Offenders Booted from Facebook, MySpace

New York State attorney general Andrew Cuomo backed the e-STOP law under which sex offenders' social networking accounts were terminated. Facebook and MySpace has terminated the accounts of 3,533 convicted sex offenders in the state of New York after they submitted their account information to the state as required by 2008’s Electronic Security and ... Moves to Combat Twitter Scams

Twitter spam and scams: We know that they have been appearing more frequently and have become more dangerous. And it’s been a problem since relatively early on for Twitter.


It’s Not Easy Being Popular. 77 Percent Of Facebook Fan Pages Have Under 1,000 Fans

In this age of instant Internet celebrity, anyone can become famous for 15 seconds (to rework Andy Warhol's oft-quoted maxim). But what does famous mean exactly when anyone can have a Facebook fan page—those public pages on Facebook set up by brands, media outlets, celebs, and wanna-be celebs. As it turns out, being popular is not as easy as it looks.


Advertisers want to buy your Tweet list

Advertisers want to buy your Tweet list

The Twitter phenomenon, in which anybody can tell his or her followers anything -- in 140 characters or less -- now has a payoff that can go beyond the thrill of self-publishing.


Five Ways Startups Are Tapping Into LinkedIn’s API

This morning, professional social network LinkedIn announced that it is opening up its API for developers to build applications around the platform.


FarmVille’s Parent Company Valued at $1 Billion?

While some of us might be willing to pay to make Facebook games like FarmVille and Mafia Wars go away, it appears that Wall Street has other ideas.


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