Snow White | featured news

Julia Roberts: Evil Queen In 'Snow White' Film

Julia Roberts: Evil Queen In 'Snow White' Film

Julia Roberts has had a fairy tale career, playing the heroine and good girl, but now, she's set to turn that reputation on its head in perhaps the most famous fairy tale of all.The Oscar winner and "Eat Pray Love" star has been officially cast as the Evil Queen in a new film adaptation of "Snow White," producers Relativity Media confirmed on Tuesday.The story won't be all mirror-mirror and frills and tiny dwarves, however. Relativity said that the movie "will eschew the traditional story in favor of a more modern tale full of comedy and adventure."


Brett Ratner Producing Snow White "Re-Imagining"

Relativity Media and Brett Ratner are the latest to jump on the "re-imagine old fairy tales" band-wagon. Following the billion-dollar box-office of Alice in Wonderland (which itself was riding the 3D momentum after Avatar cleaned house for months) every studio in town is sharpening their knives for public-domain stories they can "sexy up."


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