Sex Life | featured news

Study: Saffron,Ginseng Can Spice Up Your Sex Life

Study: Saffron,Ginseng Can Spice Up Your Sex Life

Sounds expensive. Move over, chocolate. You ve got company in the aphrodisiac aisle. A new study has found that a diet with the spices saffron and ginseng can actually heat up your sex life.


Fox on Sex: The New Foreplay? It's 'Choreplay'

Men: Get out the mop and broom. It'll do wonders for your sex life. We promise.


Saudi journalist sentenced to 60 lashes

A Saudi court sentenced a female journalist Saturday to 60 lashes for her work on a controversial Arabic-language TV show that aired an episode in which a man bragged about his sex life, two sources told CNN.


Will daily sex cure a low libido?

Will daily sex cure a low libido?

When a new dad's sex life went out of the window, he resolved to kick-start it, every night for a year.


American Apparel slams Woody Allen's sex life

A clothing company known for its racy ads is fighting a $10 million lawsuit brought by Woody Allen, arguing that it can't have damaged his reputation by using his image because the film director has already ruined it himself.


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