Search Engine | featured news

How Google Finds Your Needle in the Web's Haystack

Most search engines, including Google, continually run an army of computer programs that retrieve pages from the web, index the words in each document, and store this information in an efficient format. Each time a user asks for a web search using a search phrase, such as "search engine," the search engine determines all the pages on the web that contains the words in the search phrase

Senh: If you really want to know, AND you like math, go ahead and read the article. If not, I double dare you.


Google Takes Heat Over App Security

Google Takes Heat Over App Security

A major software attack that distributed malicious programs to around 260,000 Android phones has put pressure on Google to do more to secure its market for smartphone apps.

Senh: With smartphones becoming more and more prevalent, it's just a matter of time before hackers start attacking it like desktop computers.


Google Acquires BeatThatQuote for $61.5 Million

Google has broken new ground in the personal finance realm with the purchase of UK price comparison website BeatThatQuote for $61.5 million (£37.7 million GBP).


Google Cranks Up M&A Machine

Google's mergers and acquisitions chief said he plans to be aggressive this year, despite challenges that include soaring valuations for some Web start-ups.


Google's New Search Algorithm Change Took Out 40% of My Google Traffic

Google's New Search Algorithm Change Took Out 40% of My Google Traffic

Last Thursday, Google launched a new tweak to their search algorithm. It was targeted at content farms, which many consider to be spammy sites whose content are created solely to attract search engine traffic for specific keywords.

I do notice more and more of these sites on Google’s search results. For me, the main offender is Most of the articles I get from there are completely useless. They’re just keywords being repeated over and over again with a bunch of fillers. I can see why Google wants to push those sites further down their search rankings.


Bits: Google Pushes Down Ranking of Low-Quality Sites

Bits: Google Pushes Down Ranking of Low-Quality Sites

Google said its latest algorithm change is so big that users will notice different, higher-quality search results.

Senh: No wonder. Traffic to my site dropped by 30% from Wednesday to Thursday. The example used in the article from eHow is borderline, but here's a better example: There's absolutely nothing useful from that article. All it does is mention the keywords "social media optimization" a bunch of times. There aren't tips on how to do the optimization. There's no even a real discription of what it is.


Study Shows Bing Is More Accurate Than Google, And It's Gaining Share

Study Shows Bing Is More Accurate Than Google, And It's Gaining Share

No wonder Google seems so panicked about Bing. The latest results from market researcher Experian Hitwise show not only that Bing grew at Google's expense in January. They also show that Bing is delivering more accurate results. In the U.S., Bing now powers more than 27% of search results, up from 25% in December. That's despite a slight decline in traffic to Yahoo's search site, which has been powered by Bing since December.

Senh: More accurate results? How can Bing get more accurate results when all you're doing is copying Google's search results? That's lame.


Microsoft Caught Copying Google Search Results

Microsoft Caught Copying Google Search Results

Google alleges Microsoft uses its web browser and Bing Search bar to harvest information on Google users.

Senh: That's lame. So instead of developing a better search engine, they're just gonna copy Google's, and call it their own. Way to innovate, Microsoft.


Yahoo expects weak Q1, shares slide

Yahoo Inc's quarterly net revenue slid 4 percent and it forecast a further slide this quarter as it struggles to revive growth in the face of intense competition from Google and Facebook.


Google co-founder Page takes over, targets Facebook

Google co-founder Page takes over, targets Facebook

Google Inc co-founder Larry Page will take over as CEO from Eric Schmidt, a surprise that signaled Silicon Valley's most powerful Internet company was taking the offensive against fast-moving rivals like Facebook.


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