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Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he hopes the outgoing Congress will approve legislation ending the military's ban on gays but was unsure of the prospects for success.
efense Secretary Robert Gates said the unauthorized release of some 70,000 classified documents about the Afghanistan war did not reveal sensitive information, but could endanger Afghans who helped the United States, U.S. media reported Sunday.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that abruptly ending the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays as a federal judge has ordered would have enormous consequences.
A Syrian man who was held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has sued Defense Secretary Robert Gates and former military officers, seeking compensation for alleged torture and inhumane treatment during his nine years of detention.
WikiLeaks is at least morally guilty over the release of classified U.S. documents on the Afghan war, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Sunday, as investigators broaden their probe of the leak.
Senh: I'm all for government transparency, but certain things, like these secret documents from the Afghan War, you just gotta keep safe from other countries.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Friday he was disappointed by criticism from Secretary of Defense Robert Gates over the release of about 75,000 pages of U.S. documents related to the war in Afghanistan.
Nine days after a four-star general was relieved of command for comments made to Rolling Stone magazine, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates issued orders on Friday tightening the reins on officials dealing with the news media.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates gave lukewarm support Tuesday to a White House-backed plan for a congressional vote as early as this week to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" law against gays serving openly in the military. Gates indicated he'd prefer more time to study the sweeping change before Congress acts....
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told troops in southern Afghanistan on Tuesday they would soon be part of a "decisive phase" in the war -- an operation to impose control over the Taliban heartland of Kandahar province.