Rich Countries | featured news

Price of Success in Brazil: $15 Movies

Brazil has aspired for generations to climb into the club of the world's rich nations. By one measure, that moment has arrived: This city and others like Rio de Janeiro are now among the world's priciest.


Talks Stall as Poorer Nations Threaten to Walk Out

Talks Stall as Poorer Nations Threaten to Walk Out

Saying that that richer countries were not doing enough to cut emissions, developing countries’ delegates upended climate talks on Monday.


Poor nations blame rich for climate ills

Poor nations blame rich for climate ills

Tensions spilled over at a global warming summit Wednesday, as the leading delegate for poor countries accused the USA and other ...


UN climate chief: Deal must be legally enforceable

Developing countries don't trust wealthy nations' promises that they will help them meet the challenges of climate change, the UN's top climate official said Monday, adding that means any new global warming deal must have legal force ...


Most Babies Born This Century Will Live to 100

Most babies born in rich countries this century will eventually make it to their 100th birthday, new research says.


Climate talks stall on targets, finance: U.N.

Efforts to convince rich nations to toughen emissions cuts have failed to make much headway at climate talks in the Thai capital, the U.N. said on Friday.


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