Preschool | featured news

Sutter: Pre-K work? Ask old people

John Sutter says studies show kids who had preschool fare better on many fronts than kids who did not. Congress should support Obama's push for preschool for all kids.


Video: Lose the toys -- kids happy with boxes

A preschool teacher took away the toys in his classroom and was surprised to receive zero complaints.


Recession slows growth in public prekindergarten

The expansion in public prekindergarten programs has slowed and even been reversed in some states as school districts cope with shrinking budgets. As a result, many 3- and 4-year-olds aren't going to preschool....


No 'him' or 'her'; preschool fights gender bias

No 'him' or 'her'; preschool fights gender bias

At the "Egalia" preschool, staff avoid using words like "him" or "her" and address the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys.


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