Senh: It's good to hear that she's ok, and that her screams attracted people who scared the perpetrator away. It's scary. Either don't let your kids walk home alone or make sure they're not walking home alone.
Senh: It's good to hear that she's ok, and that her screams attracted people who scared the perpetrator away. It's scary. Either don't let your kids walk home alone or make sure they're not walking home alone.
Senh: That crazy guy appeared on the Rachel Ray show as an animal handler. I don't think the sign "Caution Exotic Animals" is effective. It doesn't sound dangerous. Now, if the sign had included the words "lions" and/or "tigers," it would get the point across. The police members shooting the animals all sound very sympathetic towards them. It really is too bad that all those endangered tigers are shot - all 18 of them, especially when there are only thousands of them left in the world. I think they made the right decision to shoot them before night falls. There should be laws in place banning the ownership of wild animals because they are a danger to society.