Senh: Like most of the news that's been released so far regarding what actually happened, this isn't much because, like the article said, George Zimmerman could have been cleaned up by the paramedics before the video was taken.
Senh: Like most of the news that's been released so far regarding what actually happened, this isn't much because, like the article said, George Zimmerman could have been cleaned up by the paramedics before the video was taken.
Senh: A good summary article listing the facts, the two sides of the story from both George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin's family and friends, and the possible outcomes.
Senh: John Goodman sounds like he was lying his ass off. Not only did he not admit that he was drunk, but he also lied about not calling the police. He could have helped the victim and save his life. Instead, he was just thinking about covering it all up.