Senh: These cases just won't stop. It's odd that it's the women teachers and not the men that usually engage in these criminal activities.
Senh: These cases just won't stop. It's odd that it's the women teachers and not the men that usually engage in these criminal activities.
Senh: He's a flip-flopper. Let's see if this flip-flopper can win it all.
Senh: Dude, your 15 minutes was up a long time ago.
Senh: That crazy guy appeared on the Rachel Ray show as an animal handler. I don't think the sign "Caution Exotic Animals" is effective. It doesn't sound dangerous. Now, if the sign had included the words "lions" and/or "tigers," it would get the point across. The police members shooting the animals all sound very sympathetic towards them. It really is too bad that all those endangered tigers are shot - all 18 of them, especially when there are only thousands of them left in the world. I think they made the right decision to shoot them before night falls. There should be laws in place banning the ownership of wild animals because they are a danger to society.
Senh: Thanks, John McCain for "Joe the Plumber" ... and Sarah Palin.