Newspaper Circulation | featured news

Wall Street Journal remains No. 1 US newspaper

Wall Street Journal

A media industry group says U.S. newspaper circulation was almost unchanged in the six months that ended in September. Average daily circulation in the April-September period slid 0.2 percent for the 613 newspapers included in the semiannual study by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Sunday circulation for the 528 newspapers in Tuesday's report increased 0.6 percent.


WSJ accused of unorthodox boost to circulation

The Guardian newspaper reported Wednesday that it had seen emails and documents showing that The Wall Street Journal funneled money through third parties to a company that was buying up copies of the Journal and boosting its European circulation....


Newspapers In 2010: Another Bad Year, But The Bleeding Slows

Newspapers In 2010: Another Bad Year, But The Bleeding Slows

The newspaper industry, devastated during the recession, had another bad year in 2010.Overall, circulation for newspapers in the U.S. declined 5 percent during the six months ended Sept. 30, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations' Fas-Fax, the industry's semi-annual scorecard.


Sun-Times Blames Circulation Drop On Price Increase

The Chicago Sun-Times reported a drop in overall weekday circulation in the past six months -- as the single-copy price jumped from 50 to 75 cents -- but an increase in home-delivery subscriptions.


U.S. Newspaper Circulation Falls 10%

U.S. Newspaper Circulation Falls 10%

USA Today suffered a steep drop, losing the top spot in weekday circulation for the first time since the 1990s to The Wall Street Journal. The New York Times’ weekday circulation fell 7.3 percent.


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