Moral | featured news

Can a molecule make us moral?

Moral: Oxytocin

About a decade ago, my lab made an unexpected breakthrough in the understanding of good and evil. We discovered that the neurochemical oxytocin makes people trustworthy. We then found oxytocin was responsible for many other moral behaviors, from being generous to sacrificing to help a stranger.


Outrage in China after toddler run over

Outrage in China after toddler run over

Gruesome footage of a toddler falling victim to two successive hit-and-run accidents and then ignored by many passers-by at the scene last week in southern China continued to galvanize the nation Monday, prompting a fierce debate on the state of morality in Chinese society.

Senh: This is just really sad. The hospital said she's already brain-dead. This incident also reminds you that you just can't EVER leave a toddler out of your site. Not for even a minute. They are naturally curious. This is not to put the blame on the parents, but just a reminder. The real blame is on the two drivers who ran her over and didn't stop to check up on her. I can't believe the passersby didn't do anything either.


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