Mona Lisa | featured news

Male model behind the Mona Lisa, expert claims

Male model behind the Mona Lisa, expert claims

An Italian researcher says the main influence and model for the "Mona Lisa" was a male apprentice of the artist Leonardo da Vinci....

Senh: I think that actually makes it more contemporary.


French scientists crack secrets of Mona Lisa

French scientists crack secrets of Mona Lisa

The enigmatic smile remains a mystery, but French scientists say they have cracked a few secrets of the "Mona Lisa." French researchers studied seven of the Louvre Museum's Leonardo da Vinci paintings, including the "Mona Lisa," to analyze the master's use of successive ultrathin layers of paint and glaze - a technique that gave his works their dreamy quality.


Russian tourist hurls mug at Mona Lisa

The canvas of the Mona Lisa was undamaged after a Russian tourist hurled a terra cotta mug at the Da Vinci masterpiece last week.


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