Ipad Email Security Hole | featured news

AT&T hacker's home raided, drugs found, dude detained

AT&T hacker's home raided, drugs found, dude detained

Man, one day you have the whole world's ear to talk about slack network security, and the next you're in the joint. Andrew Auernheimer, Goatse Security's hacker-in-chief and a key player in the unearthing of a major security flaw exposing iPads surfing AT&T's airwaves, is today facing felony charges for possession of a variety of potent drugs.


Gawker Contacted by FBI in iPad Breach Probe

Gawker said it has been contacted by the FBI and was told to hold on to relevant documents related to a possible security breach of AT&T website that exposed the email addresses of some iPad owners.


FBI investigating AT&T iPad security breach

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has opened a probe into a security breach of Apple Inc's iPad that exposed personal information of AT&T Inc customers.


AT&T hole exposes iPad users' e-mail addresses

AT&T hole exposes iPad users' e-mail addresses

AT&T Inc. on Wednesday acknowledged a security weak spot that exposed the e-mail addresses of apparently more than 100,000 users of Apple Inc.'s iPad, a breach that could make those people vulnerable to precision-targeted hacking attacks ...


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