Holocaust | featured news

Berlusconi defends Mussolini, draws outrage from political left

Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi triggered outrage from Italy's political left on Sunday with comments defending fascist wartime leader Benito Mussolini at a ceremony commemorating victims of the Nazi Holocaust.


US charges 17 over '$42m theft' of Holocaust funds

Seventeen people have been charged in the US with the theft of $42m of Holocaust compensation funds provided by the German government. Prosecutors alleged the 17 fooled a non-profit-making group that distributes the funds into making 5500 false ...


Suspected Nazi guard charged over 430,000 killings

Prosecutors in Germany have charged a suspected Nazi camp guard with helping to kill 430,000 Jews in the Holocaust and personally shooting 10 others.


Accused Holocaust museum gunman dies in hospital

The 89-year-old white supremacist charged in a deadly shooting at Washington's Holocaust museum died Wednesday in North Carolina, where he'd been held while awaiting trial, authorities said....


FBI: Holocaust Museum suspect expected to survive

AP - Authorities say the man charged with killing a security guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum will likely survive the injuries he suffered when other museum guards returned fire.


Holocaust Museum Reopens After Deadly Shooting

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum has reopened after a day of mourning for a guard authorities say was killed in an attack by a rifle-toting white supremacist.


Hate Websites Remove Online Traces Of Von Brunn

Hate Websites Remove Online Traces Of Von Brunn

Shortly after authorities identified their suspect in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting Wednesday, the world began searching for traces of James W. von Brunn online. Those who Googled immediately were able to find him: a personal Web site claiming Jewish "conspiracies," diatribes posted on message boards. But those who started their hunt just a few hours later would have found only empty holes -- information that was scrubbed away as Web sites figured out how to address the fact that they had once hosted the words of an accused murderer.


Museum Gunman Charged With Murder

The police on Thursday charged James W. von Brunn with murder in the death of a security guard at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.


Pope’s Letter to Bishops Cites Mistakes

In an unusually personal letter, Benedict XVI admits mistakes in the handling of a Holocaust-denying bishop.


Pope Rejects Any Denial of Holocaust

The remarks to a Jewish group were among the pope’s strongest since a bishop’s comments set off outrage.


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