Hiking | featured news

Victim hiked near trails where severed head found

The man whose head, hands and feet were found this week along a hiking trail near the Hollywood sign used to hike in Griffith Park.


America's greatest outdoor spots? Obama picks 100

New urban parks, wildlife refuges and walking trails along with efforts to complete gaps in the Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin and restore the Harlem ...


After attacks, a renewed focus on bear safety

Wildlife agencies in the Northern Rockies go to lengths to warn people of the dangers of grizzly country -- from signs advising hikers to carry mace-like bear spray to radio ads that warn hunters to take care when stalking elk in bear habitat.


Hiker dies just short of Appalachian Trail's end

A 67-year-old hiker nicknamed "Buffalo Bobby" was within 20 miles of completing the Appalachian Trail for the third time when he suffered a fatal medical problem.


Michigan man killed by grizzly in Yellowstone

Michigan man killed by grizzly in Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park officials say a grizzly bear killed a 59-year-old Michigan man whose body was found by hikers last week....


Oregon hiker missing for 3 nights in nat’l forest says will to live led her to try eating bugs

Oregon hiker missing for 3 nights in nat’l forest says will to live led her to try eating bugs

An Oregon hiker who survived a 50-foot fall, broken bones and three nights in a national forest says a strong drive to live led her to keep moving, eat bugs and even try a bite of a “plump and juicy” slug. Pamela Salant told reporters Monday that the snail-like forest mollusk “looked really tasty, but it was not” and she spat it out after giving it a chew. “I was thinking, ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this, but it’s what’s happening,’” she said.


Quentin Tarantino's editor found dead

Sally Menke, the editor of director Quentin Tarantino's films, was found dead along a Los Angeles hiking trail early Tuesday, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner's spokeswoman.


Discovery reveals where dinosaurs originated

Discovery reveals where dinosaurs originated

Hikers recently stumbled across a few bits of bone at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico, leading to the discovery of a game-changing dinosaur that reveals where it all began.


Iran Reportedly Charges 3 American Hikers With Espionage

Iran Reportedly Charges 3 American Hikers With Espionage

Three American hikers who have been detained in Iran after crossing into the country from Iraq have been charged with espionage, according to Iran's State News Agency.


Teenage Hiker Lost in Australia Found Alive

Teenage hiker lost for 12 days in Australia's Blue Mountains found alive.


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