Health Care | featured news

Judge: Obama's health overhaul unconstitutional

Judge: Obama's health overhaul unconstitutional

A federal judge in Florida ruled Monday that President Barack Obama's entire health care overhaul law is unconstitutional, placing even noncontroversial provisions under a cloud in a broad challenge that seems certain to be resolved only by the Supreme Court....


All Eyes on Judge as Health Care Ruling Looms

All Eyes on Judge as Health Care Ruling Looms

With Congress at an impasse on repealing President Obama's signature health insurance law, all eyes are on a federal judge who is expected to deliver a ruling Monday about whether portions of the new law pass constitutional muster.


Obama open to 'tweak' of health care, not repeal

Obama open to 'tweak' of health care, not repeal

President Barack Obama stoutly defended his10-monthold health care law Friday, saying he's open to efforts to "tweak" it but he won't stand by while Republicans try to dismantle it....


Smoking, obesity why US lifespans lag a bit

Smoking, obesity why US lifespans lag a bit

The U.S. spends more on health care than any other nation yet has worse life expectancy than many - and a new report blames smoking and obesity....


House backs repeal of Obama healthcare law

House backs repeal of Obama healthcare law

The Republican-led House of Representatives passed legislation that would repeal President Barack Obama's landmark healthcare reform law on Wednesday in a mostly symbolic move likely to be scuttled in the Senate.


What's behind health care repeal push?

Republicans have put the wheels in motion to try to repeal President Obama's health care reform law. CNN breaks down the issue and the efforts' future.


Study: 129 million have preexisting conditions

Study: 129 million have preexisting conditions

Analysis marks the government's first attempt to quantify the number of people at risk of being rejected by insurance companies or paying more.


House set for health care repeal vote

GOP House leaders plan a vote on a repeal of President Obama's health care overhaul this week, fulfilling a campaign promise and setting up a clash with Democrats.


Healthcare law repeal hurts deficits: CBO

An effort by Republicans in the House of Representatives to repeal the healthcare law enacted last year would add to already huge federal budget deficits, the Congressional Budget Office warned on Thursday.


Senate Dems vow to block health care repeal

Senate Dems vow to block health care repeal

Top Senate Democrats are warning House Speaker-elect John Boehner they'll block any Republican effort to repeal President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.


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