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Pawlenty resigns from Romney campaign to lobby

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has resigned as a national co-chairman of Republican Mitt Romney's presidential campaign to lobby for Wall Street. He has also ruled out a run for governor or Senate in Minnesota in 2014....


The Caucus: Leaked Romney Video Shows Blunt Talk on ‘Dependents’

In a brief and hastily called news conference Monday just after 10 p.m., Mr. Romney acknowledged having made the blunt political and cultural assessment, saying it was “not elegantly stated,” but he stood by the substance of the remarks, insisting that he had made similar observations in public without generating controversy.


SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

Mitt Romney

...He dismissed these Americans as freeloaders who pay no taxes, who don't assume responsibility for their lives, and who think government should take care of them.


Romney campaign promises new specifics, but he offers none

Hours after Mitt Romney’s campaign promised that the GOP nominee would begin to offer new policy prescriptives, Romney stumped in Los Angeles on Monday at a gathering of Latino business leaders, promising to cut federal spending, help small businesses and reform a “broken” immigration system. But he offered no new details on how he would accomplish these goals.


Romney in panic mode

Mitt Romney

The Romney campaign, it seems fair to conclude, is in panic mode and maybe already convinced they’ve lost. Today brings stories in the New York Times, BuzzFeed and Politico about the campaign “abruptly switching strategy” and making “a painful course correction” — never a good sign when you’re just 50 days away from Election Day.


Romney to Address Immigration in Speech Before US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Mitt Romney plans to make an appeal to Hispanic voters Monday in a speech where he is expected to distinguish himself as the better presidential candidate on economy and immigration, a topic that has brought his campaign considerable controversy.


Paul backer quits Electoral College

Ron Paul

A Ron Paul supporter resigns from the Electoral College because she is undecided about voting for Mitt Romney.


Avlon: Romney remarks disgraceful

John Avlon says Mitt Romney has been rightly comdemned from all corners for playing politics with an American crisis, making over-heated claims about the administration's response that are unrelated to reality.


Clinton: Republican party controlled by most extreme members

Former President Bill Clinton on Wednesday painted Republicans as a party controlled by its most extreme members, unwilling to compromise and too conservative for former GOP leaders like Richard Nixon and Dwight D. Eisenhower.


Obstruct and Exploit

John  Beohner

First, obstruct any and all efforts to strengthen the economy, then exploit the economy’s weakness for political gain. If this strategy sounds cynical, that’s because it is. Yet it’s the G.O.P.’s best chance for victory in November.


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