Gasoline Prices | featured news

Oil Tumbles as France Eyes Release

Crude-oil prices fell nearly 2% on fresh speculation that developed countries will release strategic stockpiles in an effort to combat high crude prices.


Gas prices up but may be peaking

U.S. gas prices jumped more than 11 cents per gallon over the past two weeks, but may be peaking as the price of crude oil holds steady, according to the latest Lundberg Survey.


Obama blames high gas prices on Iran


For all the domestic political talk about high gas prices, President Obama says one major factor can be traced overseas: Iran.


Unhappy public not sure who to blame for high gas

Families canceling vacations. Fishermen watching their profits burn up along with their boats' gasoline. Drivers buying only a few gallons of gas at a time because they can't afford to fill the tank. From all corners of the country, Americans are irritated these days by record-high fuel prices that have soared above $4 a gallon in some states and could top $5 by summer. And the cost is becoming a political issue just as the presidential campaign kicks into high gear.


Obama, GOP vie for upper hand on energy

Wooing a nation of increasingly angry motorists, President Barack Obama and his Republican rivals are all plunging into gas-pump politics, seeking the upper hand as energy becomes a driving issue in the election campaign....


Opinion: Gas prices could doom Obama

Thanks to the circular firing squad nature of the 2012 Republican presidential primaries, it had begun to look as if President Obama would coast to re-election in November. But then came along high gas prices. The recent dramatic increase in gas prices could become the issue that slows the economy, stalls the recovery and sinks the president's chances at a second term.


FACT CHECK: More US drilling didn't drop gas price

Gas Prices

It's the political cure-all for high gas prices: Drill here, drill now. But more U.S. drilling has not changed how deeply the gas pump drills into your wallet, math and history show....


Higher gas prices push inflation rate increase to 10-month high

In another sign that higher gas prices are squeezing consumers, the government's monthly measure of inflation rose in February at the strongest pace since last April.


More expensive gas pushes up US wholesale prices

Higher gas costs drove U.S. wholesale prices up last month. But excluding the big jump in gas, inflation was mostly tame.

Senh: The good news is that inflation isn't going up much. Still, it's interesting how one single element, like gas prices, can affect other industries. Nothing's an isolated case. It's not just just gas prices; it's also everything related to it - like public transportation, transportation of products, airline fuel, etc... All of that eventually work their way into the price tag of every product you see in the supermarket or department store.


U.S. report: Oil imports down, domestic production highest since 2003

Against the backdrop of gasoline prices rising at the pump in an election year, a new Obama administration report cites “significant progress” in reducing foreign oil imports and increasing domestic oil and gas production.


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