Facebook Revenue | featured news

Facebook tests $1 fee for messages to non-friends

Facebook says it is testing a service that will charge users $1 to guarantee that messages they send to people they are not connected to arrive in users' inboxes, rather than in an often-ignored folder called "other."


Facebook Gifts: Send presents to friends over your social network

Facebook Gifts

Facebook is rolling out a feature that will let users give presents from their network profiles, marking the company’s first big step into offering physical goods. The new service goes way beyond the network’s old gift feature, which let you send virtual puppies and hearts. It’s more of a riff on the company’s ill-fated Deals service — which the company shuttered after four months — but with a twist.


How Facebook Hauled in a Record $2 Billion This Year

How Facebook Hauled in a Record $2 Billion This Year

Insiders tell Bloomberg that Facebook is on track to generate a whopping $2 billion in revenues in 2010. The figure smashes the company's own expectations and is more than double what the company hauled last year, a reported $700 to $800 million. According to Bloomberg, the social network's swelling userbase has become irresistible to big-name advertisers including Adidas, JPMorgan Chase and Coca-Cola. Here's how bloggers are explaining the company's success ...


Facebook's 2009 Revenue Neared $800 Million: REPORT

Facebook's 2009 Revenue Neared $800 Million: REPORT

Facebook's financial performance is stronger than previously believed, as the Internet social network's explosive growth in users and advertisers boosted 2009 revenue to as much as $800 million, according to two sources familiar with the situation.


Facebook’s 2010 Revenue Estimated at $710 Million

Facebook’s 2010 Revenue Estimated at $710 Million

Facebook recently passed 350 million users worldwide, but the lingering question about the social network (and social media in general) is if it’s making any money.


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