Europe Debt | featured news

Pressure Rises to Bolster European Bailout Fund

The Belgian finance minister and International Monetary Fund suggested that the scope of measures to stabilize the euro should be strengthened.


Stocks are setting up for a strong December

Stocks are setting up for a strong December

Europe's sovereign debt crisis will still hang over global markets this week, but on Wall Street, investors will not be afraid to bet on stocks.


Irish bailout helps banks, angers taxpayers

Irish bailout helps banks, angers taxpayers

Ireland's international bailout relieved investors Monday but outraged many across the country who find that a requirement to raid state pension ...


Portugal Approves Austerity Budget

Portugal Approves Austerity Budget

The budget plan for 2011 is aimed at reassuring nervous lenders that the country can avoid a bailout by meeting its deficit-cutting targets.


Ireland 'gets 85bn-euro bail-out'

Ireland 'gets 85bn-euro bail-out'

The EU and IMF extends 85bn euros of emergency loans to the Republic of Ireland, according to reports on Irish state television.


Ireland swallows bitter pill, asks EU for loan

Debt-crippled Ireland formally applied Sunday for a massive EU-IMF loan to stem the flight of capital from its banks, joining Greece in a step unthinkable only a few years ago when Ireland was a booming Celtic Tiger and the economic envy of Europe.


Unions say cuts may finally drive Irish to the streets

An Irish public that has quietly endured harsh cuts so far may finally run out of patience and take to the streets when the deeply unpopular government unveils its next austerity measures, labor unions said on Saturday.


Officials See Irish Rescue at 50 Billion Euros, at Least

The ultimate size will depend on whether Dublin merely tries to shore up and restructure its crippled banks, or whether a larger package is offered to give it more breathing room.


Dow falls over 200 points on Asia, Euro fear

Dow falls over 200 points on Asia, Euro fear

Wall Street tumbled Tuesday, with the Dow down over 200 points, following new worries about rising inflation in Asia and the possibility Ireland might need a bailout.

Senh: In the U.S., we bailout banks. In Europe, they bailout countries.


Seven banks fail E.U. stress test

Broad probe testing 91 European banks finds most are fit to withstand severe economic shocks.


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