Electoral College | featured news

Electoral College count affirms Obama's win

It's official. A tally of the Electoral College vote affirms President Barack Obama's re-election....


Obama has slight lead in electoral votes; Congress expected to remain status quo

On the final weekend of a fiercely fought presidential campaign, President Obama holds a narrow advantage over Mitt Romney in the crucial contest for the electoral votes needed to win the White House, even as national polls continue to show the candidates in a virtual tie for the popular vote.


Advantage Obama in hunt for 270 electoral votes


President Barack Obama is poised to eke out a victory in the race for the 270 electoral votes needed to win re-election, having beaten back Republican Mitt Romney's attempts to convert momentum from the debates into support in all-important Ohio, according to an Associated Press analysis a week before Election Day....


FiveThirtyEight: The State of the States

Joe Biden and Barack Obama

Thursday's polls served to clarify that Barack Obama maintains a narrow lead in states that would get him to 270 electoral votes.


Presidential Polls Counter Romney Surge Myth


New polls released on Wednesday and Thursday continue to show President Barack Obama holding narrow leads in a handful of critical battleground states, but running within a whisker of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney nationwide.


Cassidy’s Count: National Polls Tied; Obama’s Electoral-College Firewall Is Holding

Electoral College

Taking account of all the polls, rather than just one, the national race appears to be a virtual tie. At the state level, despite Romney making strong gains in some places over the past couple of weeks, Obama’s firewall in the electoral college is holding—for now, anyway.


Obama, Romney nearly tied in Electoral College

Mitt Romney & Barack Obama

The race between President Obama and Mitt
Romney is closer than ever, including the
measure that will decide it: The Electoral
College. Obama leads in states with 201 electoral
votes, according to state polling averages
compiled by the RealClearPolitics website. Romney leads in states with 191 electoral


Paul backer quits Electoral College

Ron Paul

A Ron Paul supporter resigns from the Electoral College because she is undecided about voting for Mitt Romney.


President Obama’s electoral college edge

President Obama maintains an edge in the race for 270 electoral college votes, according to a state-by-state Fix analysis, even as national polling suggests the race remains tight between the incumbent and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.


The eight states where Latinos could sink the GOP

Republicans’ emerging problem with Latino voters looks even worse when you factor in the electoral college. A look at Latino population trends in swing and key red states shows just how ominous the GOP’s future could be if it doesn’t do something about its current struggles with Latino voters.


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