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Going Back To School? Here's A Green Cheat Sheet

Going Back To School? Here's A Green Cheat Sheet

Ah, back-to-school season. The rustling of leaves, the squeak of new sneakers, the reassuring sound of chalk on a blackboard. Wait, does anyone still use chalk? And if they do, is it emitting some sort of toxic dust that's dooming our children to a life of bad health and environmental despair?


Teacher who blogged about her 'lazy' students gets her job back

The Philadelphia-area high school teacher who was suspended for blogging about some of her "lazy" and "frightfully dim" students will get her ...


Gov. blasts California universities' hiring of pricey presidents

Gov. Jerry Brown on Wednesday criticized leaders of California's public universities for recruiting highly paid "hired guns" from across the country to run campuses instead of looking for home-grown talent that might be willing to work for lower salaries.


How To Qualify For Out-of-State Tuition Breaks

After New Hampshire resident Rebecca Boduch whittled down her list of potential colleges, two schools remained in the running: Northeastern University, a private school where, with the help of a promised scholarship, her tuition would be equivalent to the price of the University of Rhode Island, her second option. But when she found out the latter institution would knock her tuition down about $10,000 a year because she hailed from a state in the same region and wanted to major in biomedical engineering, her decision was easier, she says.


California "Dream Act" approved for illegal immigrants

California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law on Monday a bill allowing illegal immigrants to receive privately funded scholarships to attend the state's public colleges and universities.


Bear Mauls 7 Students on Survival Course in Alaska

Bear Mauls 7 Students on Survival Course in Alaska

The teenage outdoor education students, having progressed to the point of being on their own in the vast Alaska wilderness, were lined up single file for a river crossing when the grizzly burst with fury into the front of the line, badly mauling two in the group and injuring two more.


Training of Teachers Is Flawed, Study Says

The National Council on Teacher Quality is drawing criticism over its plans to publish its rankings of schools of education.


Atlanta schools created culture of cheating, fear

Atlanta schools created culture of cheating, fear

Teachers spent nights huddled in a back room, erasing wrong answers on students' test sheets and filling in the correct bubbles. At another school, struggling students were seated next to higher-performing classmates so they could copy answers....


Calif. Schools to Teach Kindergarteners Gay History

Calif. Schools to Teach Kindergarteners Gay History

California has become the first state in the nation to require public schools to add lessons about gay history to social studies classes, after Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signed the landmark bill on Thursday.


Cheating scandal brings school reforms

Atlanta's schools will flag suspicious test scores and achieve a culture of integrity in the wake of a cheating scandal that could lead to criminal charges, officials said Thursday.


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