Driving | featured news

Best Drivers, Men or Women?

Best Drivers, Men or Women?

A nationwide survey of 610 U.S. drivers -- commissioned by navigation firm TeleNav -- uncovered what men and women really found annoying about their partners' driving habits. Men typically said that their better halves drove too slowly. And women complained that men tailgate.


Prices at gas pump painful for 4 in 10 Americans

With gasoline prices hovering at $4 a gallon nationally, many Americans are making tough choices: scaling back summer vacations, driving less or ditching the car altogether. Some seniors are choosing a tank of gas over their prescriptions....


Google Lobbies Nevada To Allow Driverless Cars

Google Lobbies Nevada To Allow Driverless Cars

Google hired a lobbyist to promote legislation for the licensing of autonomous vehicles, and an exemption that would permit texting while driving to operate such a car.


Crude Oil Falls Below $100 a Barrel

Oil prices plummeted by almost 9 percent on Thursday as traders worried that American drivers were beginning to balk at the price of gasoline.


Don't blame 'speculators' for higher oil prices

Don't blame 'speculators' for higher oil prices

So now President Barack Obama has decided to go after the oil speculators. He wants to “root out any cases of fraud or manipulation.” He’s directed the Justice Department to set up a task force. Yessir, he’s determined to get to the bottom of this.


Gasoline Prices: $6 Gas? Could Happen if Dollar Keeps Getting Weaker

A dollar plumbing three-year lows is hitting Americans squarely in the gas tank, and one economist thinks it could drive prices as high as $6 a gallon or more by summertime under the right conditions.


63 percent under 30 admit driving while on phone

63 percent under 30 admit driving while on phone

The U.S. Department of Transportation and Consumer Reports magazine have released a poll that illustrates how widespread distracted driving is among young people and a plan to help fight it....


Study finds red light cameras cut fatal crashes

Red light cameras are helping drivers remember that red means stop and are saving lives, according to a new study out Tuesday by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.


CDC: Seat belt use reaches 85 percent

CDC: Seat belt use reaches 85 percent

Nearly six in seven U.S. adults now wear seat belts, an increase in driver safety that health officials say has helped cut motor vehicle deaths ...


Woman Whose Drunk-Driving Crash Killed Young Girl Receives Prison Sentence - NY1

The Bronx woman whose drunk-driving crash killed an 11-year-old girl was sentenced today to four to 12 years in prison. Carmen Huertas will receive a minimum four behind bars before being eligible for parole.


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