Diversity | featured news

Obama vows second term team will be diverse

President Obama has taken some flack for the lack of women among his early high-profile appointments to his administration as he sets up for his second term.


America's Most Diverse Neighborhoods And Metros

Trulia's Chief Economist reveals how many of America’s most diverse neighborhoods are in the suburbs. The reason? Diverse neighborhoods have higher population growth and faster-rising prices than other neighborhoods do.


Face of US changing; elections to look different

The 2012 elections drove home trends that have been embedded in the fine print of birth and death rates, immigration statistics and census charts for years. America is rapidly getting more diverse, and, more gradually, so is its electorate. Nonwhites made up 28 percent of the electorate this year, compared with 20 percent in 2000. Much of that growth is coming from Hispanics.


Minority populations booming in Virginia

Soaring numbers of Hispanics and Asians pushed Virginia's population over 8 million in the past decade, transforming the state into a far more diverse place, according to census figures released Thursday.


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