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A woman expelled for wearing a mini-dress that caused a near riot at a Brazilian college and made her an Internet sensation said all she wants is to go back to school. Well, she got her way....
The bodies of three missing North Dakota college softball players were found Tuesday inside a Jeep after authorities, aided by signals from the women's last desperate phone calls, spotted the vehicle submerged in a farm pond....
Authorities in southwestern North Dakota searched Monday for three Dickinson State University softball players reported missing after a friend received late night telephone calls that mentioned water and indicated the women needed help.
A new policy at Tufts University prohibits students in dorms from having sex while their roommate is in the room, according to the university's 2009-2010 student handbook.
President Barack Obama on Monday criticized the largest U.S. banks for their efforts to thwart legislation that would overhaul federal student loan programs.
A DNA match linking Raymond J. Clark III to Yale student Annie Le led to his arrest on murder charges, a source with knowledge of the investigation said.