Bank Robberies | featured news

Seattle bank teller chases robber, loses job

Seattle bank teller chases robber, loses job

A Seattle bank teller has lost his job because he ran down a would-be bank robber and held him until police arrived. Jim Nicholson, 30, who had worked for more than two years at a Key Bank branch near the Seattle Center, says he understands the bank's strict policy that employees comply with robbery demands and avoid confrontations.


Iraqi army officers pulled $4.8-million bank heist, police say

Iraqi army officers pulled $4.8-million bank heist, police say

Members of an elite military unit have been arrested and the money has been recovered, authorities say. The episode fuels fears that internal corruption may be the nation's biggest security threat.


Scarecrow Bandits were slick, but not slick enough, prosecutor says 1:12 PM CT

The so-called "Scarecrow Bandits" were a highly sophisticated band of bank robbers, but their reliance on high-tech gadgetry is part of what brought them down, a federal prosecutor said this morning.


Robber Nabbed After Leaving Cell Phone at Bank

Ever get that sinking feeling when you realize you've lost your cell phone? That's what happened to Carlos Williams -- after he allegedly robbed a bank.


Man foils bank robbery after assuming it was an April Fool

A man inadvertently foiled an attempted bank robbery after assuming it was an April Fool prank, a court has heard.


Woman in blonde wig, scrubs robs bank

A female suspect who robbed a Scottsdale bank Monday is still at large, police said.


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