Anonymous | featured news

Hacker group plans BofA e-mail release Monday

Hacker group plans BofA e-mail release Monday

Anonymous, a hacker group sympathetic to WikiLeaks, plans to release e-mails obtained from Bank of America Corp early Monday morning, according to posts on the group's Twitter feed.


'Hacktivists' launch second attack on Egypt

Well, that didn’t take long. No sooner had the government of Egypt restored Internet service to its citizens early Wednesday than the loosely organized cybervandals known as Anonymous were back at work trying to knock official Egyptian websites offline.


Facebook, Twitter shut out hackers

Facebook, Twitter shut out hackers

Both Facebook and Twitter have closed accounts corresponding to Anonymous, a formerly 4chan-linked group organizing a string of DDoS attacks on organizations that refuse to work with WikiLeaks.


Restaurant critics struggle to stay anonymous

Restaurant critics struggle to stay anonymous

They arrive cloaked in secrecy, often using fictitious names and sometimes donning disguises.


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