Algae | featured news

Article: Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils in Fireball Fragments


Algae-like structures inside a Sri Lankan meteorite are clear evidence of panspermia, the idea that life exists throughout the universe, say astrobiologists.


United flies first U.S. passengers using fuel from algae

United flies first U.S. passengers using fuel from algae

United Airlines flew the first U.S. commercial passengers Monday on a Boeing 737-824 powered partly with Honeywell biofuel made from algae, a Honeywell subsidiary announced. Flight 1403, scheduled to arrive in Chicago's O'Hare airport at 1:00 p.m. CST from Houston, used a blend of petroleum-based jet fuel and aviation biofuel made from algal-oil, provided by Solazyme, according to Honeywell's UOP.


Algae May Be The Key to Curing Blindness

Algae May Be The Key to Curing Blindness

A gene in algae may make it possible to cure blindness in humans.


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