The Elderly | featured news

Man, 75, fatally shoots neighbors because of dogshit

Kim -

The elderly man charged with fatally shooting his neighbors at their apartment complex in Dallas on Monday denied killing Michelle Jackson, and said he acted in self-defense when he killed her fiancé, Jamie Stafford. According to an arrest warrant, Chung Kim, 75 — incensed that Jackson and Stafford put dog feces near his front door — shot Jackson as she stood on her balcony above his first-floor apartment. He then stalked upstairs and fired at Stafford, the warrant says, who was attempting to escape through the back patio door.


In Korea, Changes in Society and Family Dynamics Drive Rise in Elderly Suicides

The number of suicides among people 65 and older has nearly quadrupled in recent years, a rate that is among the highest in the developed world.


Video: 2 running 365 marathons in 2013

A pair of senior citizens has embarked on a very special trip around the country in 2013.


Good news on aging: Get older, feel better


Growing old is not for sissies, as the bumper sticker says, and as anyone who has entered midlife can attest. But a new study finds that despite the physical and mental toll of time, people actually feel better as they age -- not worse.


Euthanasia was the right decision for my wife


I was living in comfortable retirement with my wife, Mathilde, when, at the age of 71, she received a diagnosis of Waldenstrom’s disease. The chief danger of this rare cancer of the bone marrow is that it impedes and eventually destroys the production of vital components of the blood supply.


76-year-old Pa. man in jail after chain saw attack

A 76-year-old U.S. man is in jail after police say he went after his housemate with a chain saw.


Analysis: For Romney, some troubling signs among older voters

New polling by Reuters/Ipsos indicates that during the past two weeks - since just after the Democratic National Convention - support for Romney among Americans age 60 and older has crumbled, from a 20-point lead over Democratic President Barack Obama to less than 4 points.


Romney health plans would affect seniors’ care, studies find

It has been a central campaign promise from Mitt Romney: His Medicare overhaul plan would not touch benefits for anyone older than 55. That may not, however, be the case with the Republican presidential nominee’s other health-care proposals. A growing body of research suggests that his plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act and cut Medicaid funding would have a direct impact on the health care that seniors receive.


83-year-old held over crash that killed boy, 6

A tip from an auto body shop helped police locate and charge an 83-year-old woman with a hit-and-run crash that killed a 6-year-old boy in Illinois last weekend.


73 year old woman raped in broad daylight in Central park

A 73-year-old woman was sexually assaulted Wednesday in New York's Central Park in the middle of the day, police said. The victim was bird watching in the vicinity of 74th Street and Central Park West, also known as Strawberry Fields, just before noon when her alleged attacker approached her. The woman told police they exchanged words and he sexually assaulted her.


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