The E-Score Celebrity poll is carried out weekly among a representative sample of 1,100 respondents aged 13 and over. It ranks more than 6,000 celebrities in terms of public awareness, appeal and 46 other attributes.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareIf you hate her politics, you should really hate Newsweek's "crazy-eyed" Bachmann cover, too.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareAccording to Fox News host, Andrew Napolitano, the President paid his respects to distract from the economy — imagine the outrage if instead, Obama had not honored the fallen – he would be demonized as un-American.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareThe climate change movement is bigger than any one man or woman, but like it or not, no one is more associated with global warming than Al Gore.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareCreator of 'United Sportsmen of Wisconsin, Inc.', John Connors, is a long-time AFP affiliate, has history of deceptive campaigns..
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareDo the potential defense cuts in the debt deal spell the beginning of the end of the neoconservative military agenda?
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareThe decision was made to save money and because many of the duties have been made obsolete.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareDid you notice? This president — who once had a silver tongue, who promised us the world — looked left into his teleprompter yesterday. He looked right into his teleprompter.More | Talk | Read It Later | Share
As Wisconsin progressives fight to recall Scott Walker's allies in the state senate, here are some of the conservative groups funding their right-wing agenda.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareThank You Tea Party! You Wanted Chaos, You Got Chaos! In an interview on July 27, House Speaker Boehner confessed Republicans want to "force default" and "create chaos." Looks like the Tea Party got its wish.More | Talk | Read It Later | Share
Wisconsin news: Republicans maintain control of Wisconsin state government despite union drive.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareIs Don Knabe is on the verge of getting swallowed by L.A. County's rising Latino tide?
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareOn Tuesday, less than a week after Standard and Poor's downgraded U.S. credit for the first time in history, a plane circled lower Manhattan with a banner that read: "Thanks for the downgrade.More | Talk | Read It Later | Share
Christian Schneider writes on NRO: DailyKos just released a new poll they commissioned from Public Policy Polling that gives us one last snapshot of the Wisconsin State Senate recall elections tomorrow.More | Talk | Read It Later | Share
It was a massacre at Abu Salim in Tripoli that sparked the Libyan uprising.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareThe real risk to holders of U.S. debt is not the government's heavy reliance on borrowing or the deep political divisions in Washington. It's the weakening U.S. economy.
Until very recently, most forecasters were expecting the pace of economic growth to pick up in the second half of the year.
Some are pointing fingers at the Tea Party for the U.S. downgrade, saying their refusal to allow higher taxes kept Congress from reaching an even larger debt agreement. Even Massachusetts Senator John Kerry (D) had some harsh things to say on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press.’
After listening to those comments, Florida Congressman Allen West (R) says, “I find those comments to be the absolute most insidious thing I’ve ever heard.More | Talk | Read It Later | Share
Would be even funnier if it weren't so scary!
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareThe world's most powerful country was brought to the edge of financial chaos by Mrs. Bachmann and her Tea Party cohorts. Americans should never forget the damage that the Tea Party radicals have caused the whole nation.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareAs Yogi Berra once said its déjà vu all over again as for Wisconsin Democrats as they allege that the Waukesha County clerk is once again tampering with votes to hand an election to the Republicans.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareIn the historical recall elections in the Wisconsin state senate, two seats held by Republicans turned blue on Tuesday. While not enough to place a bipartisan check on ALEC‘s corporate agenda favored by Gov.More | Talk | Read It Later | Share
A must watch video for all specially for those who are considering going to US in future!!
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareRyan Lizza's profile of Bachmann reveals that Bachmann's odd perspective on slavery isn't a series of gaffes, but rather "a world view." Lizza explains that Bachmann is a believer in a kind of Christian conservative reimagining of slavery, where "many Christians opposed slavery" but owned them anyway and didn't free them because "“it might be very difficult for a freed slave to make a living in that economy; under such circumstances setting slaves free was both inhumane and irresponsible.” How charitable of them!
More | Talk | Read It Later | SharePresident Barack Obama and top Pentagon officials including Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen are attending Tuesday's dignified transfer ceremony for 38 U.S.More | Talk | Read It Later | Share
President Barack Obama has refused to accept responsibility for fresh economic panic on Wall Street, insisting market freefall was sparked in Europe and that the debt crisis was one he inherited.More | Talk | Read It Later | Share
Why aren’t voters moving to the left, toward parties favoring bigger government, during what increasingly looks like an economic depression? That’s a question that was addressed with characteristic thoughtfulness by Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg in The New York Times [NYT] last week.More | Talk | Read It Later | Share
U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan has announced that he will unilaterally override the No Child Left Behind law.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareThe S&P downgrade is the beginning of the end of the left-right war. And both sides will lose.
More | Talk | Read It Later | ShareSarah Palin's oldest son Track, 22, and his wife Britta, 21, celebrated the arrival of their first child Kayla Grace only three months after they got married.
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